Celiac Disease
I came to the Natural Medicine Clinic to have my celiac and nutrition testing after my mother was diagnosed recently with celiac. My tests came back positive as well and the doctors have been great in helping me change my diet to a gluten free diet. I’ve been gluten free for two months now and I’m feeling much better.
The supplements have been working quite well and I’m just back at the moment to have my testing again and hope that everything is going well.
Symptoms I had were my stomach being quite upset, I had a bit of depression and anxiety, which is what the gluten causes in me particularly. For the last year, i knew that maybe something was wrong with my diet, but couldn’t pinpoint what it was. It was my mom’s diagnosis that allowed me to work out what was wrong with me as well.
My psoriasis has cleared up since I stopped eating gluten, the brain fog is gone, which is another bad one that I had, and my stomach is much better.