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Drink More Water For Better Health

Chiropractor Palm Beach GardensLet’s make sure we all start the New Year off right!  Are you looking to feel better overall?  Have you noticed that your energy level just doesn’t seem to be where it was before?  Believe it or not, the reason could be as simple as “you need to drink more water”.

Now, let’s be clear here…  Fluids are good, yes, but nothing can replace that beloved water our bodies crave so much.  Not soda, not juice, not alcohol, but water!  It’s recommended that you drink half your body weight in ounces per day.  I’ll wait, go ahead and do the math.  When you think about it, it’s actually not that much.  A person weighing 150 pounds would drink about 75 ounces or 9 cups of water per day.

What’s amazing is to think about all of the ways we can feel better if we make sure we’re drinking enough of this stuff!  Lack of water can have so many effects:  lack of energy, indigestion, headaches, high blood pressure, aches and pains, dry skin, and the list goes on…

Before you go out and buy cases and cases of bottled water from the grocery store, let me fill you in on a little secret; it’s expensive!  Besides that, it’s not even necessarily the best water for you (unless you’re in a third-world country).  The best and cheapest way to get quality H2O is by using a home water filter (for instance, an under the sink filter or a counter-top unit). Filtered tap water is ridiculously cheap, easily accessible, and  it doesn’t carry the potential bacteria that some bottled waters can be home to.

So, that’s your health tip for this week.  Let’s make it a great year!

(now, go get a glass of water!)

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    Content on this website is based upon the opinions of Thomas Rofrano, D.C. and is not considered medical advice. It is designed to be a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Rofrano and his community. Dr. Rofrano encourages you to make your health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Dr. Rofrano is a chiropractic physician and offers physical and nutritional support and guidance to those seeking alternative or complementary care to traditional medicine. His care is not meant to replace that from your primary doctor and specialists but rather to help you on your path to achieving life-long vibrant health.

    Regarding any supplements mentioned: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.