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Active Release Techniques and the Many Benefits

Whether you’re an office professional, busy mom or an elite athlete, anyone can suffer from painful and debilitating repetitive strain injuries. There is an innovative way to treat these injuries that affect muscles, tendons, and ligaments. It is used to treat head to toe injuries—from headaches to plantar fasciitis. Also, it is used to treat other injuries including TMJ, shin splints, carpal tunnel syndrome, shoulder pain and sciatica.

The Technique

The technique is a soft tissue manual technique called Active Release Techniques (ART). Professionals use it to treat all of these overuse conditions that create micro-trauma. With repeated overuse, those small tears turn into worsening conditions with tears and pulls. As the injured area worsens, it typically is depleted of oxygen because of decreased circulation. Ultimately, this depletion can lead to the formation of scar tissue.

It is well-recognized how restrictive scar tissue buildup becomes. It restricts the tissues, binding them up, so they just don’t move freely anymore. Muscles become affected by the scar tissue by becoming shorter and weaker and increased tendon tension that can cause inflammation (tendonitis). Eventually, you lose range of motion and strength. Sometimes nerves can become trapped in the inflamed, restricted area, and you can experience tingling and numbness in the area.

Active release techniques (ART) is a way to manipulate the soft tissue. And the scar tissue adhesions that have formed as a result of the overuse injury are manually broken up. These adhesions are what are entrapping muscles and causing pain. Best of all, it’s a natural treatment without medications or surgery.

How It Works

Dr. Rofrano examines the injured area for points of tightness and restricted movements of muscles, tendons, ligaments and surrounding soft tissue. Abnormal tissues are treated by the doctor providing precise, directed tension while you perform specific movements. There are over 500 movements that comprise ART therapies. Doctors use them to identify and correct your condition.

ART is more specifically targeted and precise than deep tissue massage. The technique was invented by Colorado chiropractor and sports physician P. Michael Leahy.  He used it to treat his athlete clients for chronic pain and injuries.

Trained medical professionals know how to feel for these adhesions. They locate them, manipulate them and break them up. There is minimal pain and discomfort. For more extensive adhesions, you will be able to feel them breaking apart. Your session with the doctor could be 10-30 minutes, depending on your specific case.

Additionally, the results can be instantaneous. You will be amazed after having tried other techniques with little to no success. The doctor will likely recommend follow-up treatments to continue with pain relief and to  restore normal texture and range of motion to the area.

Are You A Candidate?

You might be wondering whether you need ART. If you experience stiffness in your neck or any joint or have reduced the range of motion or flexibility, you can benefit. If your joints are inflamed or if you have throbbing pain after exercise, you can benefit. And if you feel that you’ve lost muscle strength in a particular area, you can benefit.

Initially developed for elite athletes, Active Release Techniques has made its way into medicine as a mainstream technique used for all kinds of patients. Overuse injuries are so much more common today, with a higher prevalence of technology overuse injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome in the workplace. Now, most everyone can benefit from ART. In addition, companies lose many sick days to these types of repetitive strain injuries.

Of course, it is still widely used among athletes, but ART can be used in any area of the body where soft tissue is located near a joint. Overuse injuries in these areas have likely led to scar tissue formation over time.

We treat tennis players and golfers for elbow injuries and have used it for Achilles tendinitis, rotator cuff injury, and supraspinatus tendon injuries. And many patients with chronic neck and back pain have been able to significantly decrease or eliminate their pain while simultaneously increasing range of motion.

Here are some of the issues that can be treated with Active Release Techniques:

-Neck pain

_Upper back pain


-Low back pain and Sciatica

-Arm and hand pain

-Leg and foot pain, including shin splints and plantar fasciitis

-Tension headaches and migraines

-Shoulder pain, including rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder syndrome

Breaking up is hard to do, but in this case, you’ll look forward to it. You’ll be surprised how much your condition can improve after one session of treating the soft tissues. Your joints can feel better and your nerve issues can subside. And you can feel less stress on that area of your body.

Fortunately, therapies such as ART can relieve pain, increase the range of motion, and help improve the overall quality of your life.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Natural Treatment for Headaches

Did you know there are natural solutions for most cases of chronic headaches?  Over the past 30 years, I have helped thousands of patients feel better and have their headaches, even migraines, resolve.

The first step is to determine the root cause. Usually, it’s either a physical-structural cause and/or chemical, such as a food sensitivity or nutritional deficiency.

Some time ago, a patient brought in her 10-year-old daughter complaining of headaches, fatigue, irritability, mood swings, and lack of focus. She had been to her pediatrician and other specialists but still no relief.

After a comprehensive evaluation and ordering more detailed lab tests, I discovered that she had an iron deficiency. With proper nutritional supplements and diet recommendations, her symptoms soon resolved.

For others, food sensitivities to gluten or other foods can be a source of their headaches.  I have seen patients who have had headaches for many years resolved after testing and finding out what their trigger foods were and then eliminating them from their diets.

Often, food reactions can cause chronic sinusitis, another source of headaches.

In other patients, I have discovered low thyroid function or other hormone imbalances to be a source of their headaches.

Chemical sensitivities can also cause headaches, such as from drinking diet soda. With all the information out there about aspartame causing headaches, this should be an easy one for a lot of people.

Speaking of soda, dehydration can cause headaches. Are you getting enough pure water?  A general guideline, although this varies among individuals, is to drink half your body weight in ounces. So if you weigh 140 pounds, then 70 ounces (about 8 cups) of water per day is recommended.

As far as physical or structural causes, tension headaches (myogenic) from tight muscles in the head and neck are one of the most common causes of headaches.  I often find myofascial trigger points or “knots” in the muscles of the head, TMJ, neck, and shoulders.

Cervicogenic headaches are from dysfunctional or irritated spinal joints in the neck and are another common cause.  Gentle adjustments to the spine along with the treatment to the muscles often brings significant and lasting relief.

Causes of muscle tension and cervicogenic headaches can include trauma, as in car accidents or other injuries. Sometimes the headaches don’t show up till days or even weeks after the injury.

Another cause of headaches is postural stress, as in sitting in front of a computer for 8+ hours a day, and then using your Smart Phone or Tablet for another 4 hours!

Or for instance, I recently saw an elementary school student who weighed 55 pounds and his backpack weighed 38 pounds!  Do you think he had poor posture, back pain and headaches? With some treatment and backpack extraction, he was better in no time!

After treating thousands of patients over the past 30 years, I have found that the most effective treatment for headaches and pain is a multifaceted, 7-point approach.

I call it my Functional & Free™ Program and it includes:

  1. Active Release Techniques, which is an advanced type of myofascial release or manual therapy, to reduce pain-producing myofascial trigger points, adhesions and fibrous tissue, and to restore muscular balance.
  1. Gentle chiropractic adjustments to restore normal joint function and movement and reduce nerve irritation that can cause headaches. Instead of manual manipulation (cracking your neck or back), I use a computerized instrument called the Impulse.  This is a very advanced, gentle and precise way to reduce pain and restore motion to joints.
  1.  Super Pulsed Laser therapy to reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance microcirculation to promote healing.
  1.  Therapeutic functional training exercises and vibration training to improve strength, flexibility, balance and posture to help prevent symptoms from returning.
  1.  Coaching on Lifestyle Modifications such as what type of exercise to do, stress relief activities, proper sleep habits, and even the use of infrared sauna if needed.
  1.  A  personalized nutrition program based on lab testing to see what deficiencies or imbalances can be corrected to help you feel better and transform your health.  General recommendations include nutritional supplements such as Magnesium Malate, OmegaSorb 3X Fish Oil, Vitamin D w K2 and Curcumin Protect to enhance recovery and aid the healing process.
  1.  A specific diet that can reduce inflammation and enhance healing.  I call this The FreeDiet® as it is free of the most common food allergens and can help you become free of pain, fatigue, fogginess and fat.

I have found this program to be very effective for eliminating headaches once and for all.

Feel free to share this information, and if you have any questions, or would like our assistance, you can email us at or call us at 561-627-5800.  We would be happy to help!

Yeast Overgrowth & Sensitivity – Candida Solutions

Can you believe this is typical of the type of patient we see in our clinic?  A 38-year-old woman came in complaining of fatigue, abdominal pain,  bloating, gas, belching, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, eczema on most of body,  irritability, mood swings, PMS, headaches, dizziness, itchy eyes, dry skin and hair, easy bruising, chest pain, hyperactivity, sinus congestion, rashes, itching, food allergies, hair loss, frequent urination, recurring yeast infections, sugar, bread and alcohol cravings, insomnia and brain fog.

After seeing many doctors over 10-15 years, she had urged her allergist to test her for Celiac disease and sure enough, it was positive. She temporarily felt a little better on a gluten-free diet, but she still had all those symptoms.

What is going on here?  I thought gluten-free was supposed to cure everything!

Well it turns out that you can have sensitivities or allergies to many different foods and one of the most common is yeast.

Most every new patient that comes in with a multitude of chronic symptoms not only tests positive for a gluten or wheat sensitivity but also has a food sensitivity to Brewer’s and/or Baker’s yeast.

Related to this is a condition called yeast overgrowth or Candida in the body.  It is normal to have a certain level of yeast in our bodies and Candida Albicans is the most common type of yeast or fungus.

But when it gets out of balance and yeast overgrowth occurs, that’s when it can cause problems.

Yeast overgrowth is usually caused by medications such as antibiotics, prednisone, birth-control pills or antacids.

Just some of the symptoms of yeast overgrowth or sensitivity include:

  • abdominal pain, gas and bloating
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • IBS, Crohn’s and Colitis
  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • sinus congestion
  • chronic cough
  • acne
  • numbness and tingling
  • brain fog- poor memory and concentration
  • fungal infection on nails
  • white film or spots on throat or tongue
  • irritability
  • mood swings
  • anxiety and/or depression
  • muscle or joint aches
  • eczema, psoriasis  and skin rashes
  • itchy eyes, ears or skin
  • difficulty losing weight
  • food sensitivities
  • sensitivities to perfumes, fragrances and chemicals
  • allergies
  • autoimmune conditions
  • sugar, alcohol or bread cravings
  • vaginal yeast infections
  • PMS
  • frequent urinary tract infections

How do you determine if you have yeast overgrowth or sensitivity?
The first and most important thing we do is a thorough history and evaluation. There are also different lab tests that can be performed to identify if yeast is part of the problem.

And usually this is just one important piece of the puzzle.  There are other factors involved also.

So what’s the solution?  Although it is much more detailed than this, here is a summary:

1.  Diet:
a.  Avoid sugar, grains and starches. That includes bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, cake; and yes, even gluten-free ones.
b.  Avoid yeast containing foods such as beer and wine, vinegar, soy sauce, aged cheeses.
c.  Eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables
d.  Eat a moderate amount of proteins such as wild fish, beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb.
d.  Consume an abundance of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and clarified butter.

2.  Nutritional supplements with herbs that have antifungal properties can be very effective. One of the products I have found most effective is called Yeast Defeat.  Sometimes antifungal medications are needed.

3. Take Probiotics for digestive and immune support.  I’ve used many different brands over the years with thousands of patients.  I finally found one that has provided the best results, which is called ProbioSupreme.

By the way, about the patient above who was feeling terrible? After placing her on what I call The FreeDiet™ and some nutritional supplements to enhance healing, she did get better.

Yes, all of her symptoms cleared up and she was feeling good for the first time in many years!  If you want to see her video, click here.

So remember, gluten-free can be part of the solution, but it is not the answer to everything. There can be many other factors involved, and yeast overgrowth/sensitivity is just one of them

If you want to Transform Your Health and Feel Good Again, feel free to contact us at  or call 561-627-5800.  We would love to help.

Yours for Optimal Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano

PS. Look for more on The FreeDiet™ in future blogposts.

Magnesium for Maximum Relaxation & Health

Did you know that for stress relief and relaxation, taking Magnesium may be one of the best things you can do for yourself?  And it can go a long way in improving your energy.

It’s no wonder so many are suffering from some of the symptoms of magnesium deficiency including:

  • Headaches / Migraines
  • Fatigue and Weakness
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Lack of Focus and Concentration
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Numbness and Tingling
  • Muscle Cramps
  • Restless Legs
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Constipation

Magnesium deficiency is also associated with the following conditions:

  • ADHD
  • Asthma
  • Osteoporosis
  • Hypertension
  • Kidney stones
  • Seizures
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Sudden cardiac death
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tinnitus
  • Preeclampsia
  • PMS
  • Obesity

Magnesium is the second most abundant mineral in the body, is critical for energy metabolism and protein synthesis, and is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.

Yet, it has been reported that over 50% of Americans consume too little magnesium.  So why are so many of us deficient in this important mineral?

First, most people don’t consume enough high magnesium foods, which include nuts, pumpkin seeds, and avocados.

Second, most multivitamins contain very little magnesium.

Third, stress depletes magnesium.  And we lose this mineral with sweating.

Fourth, malabsorption can result from conditions like gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, IBS, and leaky gut.

Fifth, many medications cause magnesium deficiency including birth control pills, PPI drugs like Nexium and Prilosec, certain antibiotics, and diuretics.

And sixth, taking calcium supplements can cause magnesium depletion.

I often see older women coming in as patients, taking 1000 mg calcium for their bones with very little to no magnesium.  They usually have aches and pains and many of the above symptoms.

Remember, calcium is important for muscle contraction and magnesium is vital for muscle relaxation. So it is important to not get out of balance by taking too much calcium in relation to magnesium.

How much magnesium do you need?  The recommended daily intake for adults is approximately 400 mg, but I have seen where some people need as much as 1000 mg per day or more.

How do you know if you’re low in magnesium? Well besides looking at your symptoms and taking a thorough health history, I often order a lab test called Red Blood Cell Magnesium that can evaluate your magnesium status.

The simplest and most effective solution to replenish your magnesium levels is to take a magnesium supplement.

I believe the best form is Magnesium Malate which is highly absorbable, and the malate is especially helpful for fatigue and muscle tension.

If someone has constipation, then I usually recommend Magnesium Citrate as it not only has good absorption, it also has a laxative effect.

I would avoid magnesium oxide.  Although it is very cheap, it appears to have an absorption rate of only about 4%.

So remember Magnesium, this important relaxation mineral for helping to improve your energy, health and life.

For any questions, or if  you or a family member has any of the above symptoms and would like to have your Magnesium level checked, email us at  or call us  at 561-627-5800.  We would be happy to help.

Yours for Vibrant Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano


Gluten’s Effect on Your Health & Brain

Is Gluten-Free for Real or just a fad?  Well, for those with gluten sensitivity, it certainly is for real and can cause multiple health problems.

And did you know that about half the people with gluten sensitivity don’t have any gut symptoms?

Often with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, there are only brain and neurological symptoms/disorders, such as:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • mood swings
  • dizziness
  • brain fog
  • ADD / ADHD
  • dementia
  • Parkinson’s
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • seizures
  • ataxia
  • neuropathy

Other gluten sensitivity and celiac symptoms can include:

  • abdominal pain, gas, and bloating
  • diarrhea and/or constipation
  • fatigue
  • PMS
  • lack of menstruation
  • infertility and miscarriages
  • migraines/headaches
  • joint pain and inflammation
  • muscle aches
  • acne
  • dermatitis, eczema, and skin rashes
  • “chicken skin” on the back of the arms
  • canker sores
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • anemia
  • failure to thrive and short stature
  • developmental delays
  • learning disabilities
  • asthma
  • hair loss
  • autoimmune diseases
  • and many other conditions…

There are actually two types of gluten sensitivities.  One is Celiac Disease, an autoimmune condition resulting in intestinal damage from gluten.

And second is non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) which can still cause almost all the same symptoms and conditions, just not intestinal damage.

Many can go their whole life without being properly diagnosed.  One reason is that basic lab tests your doctor would routinely order don’t check for gluten sensitivity.

Even if you can get your doctor to order the typical gluten antibody or celiac test, the results miss more than 50% of the cases.

A few years ago, a college student came to the Natural Medicine Clinic complaining of acid reflux, burning in her stomach, bloating, and constipation which all started four years earlier.

She used to have PMS but then had not had her menstrual period for many months.  She also had very low energy and said she was tired all the time.

She had been to many doctors, including the Mayo Clinic.  They could not find anything wrong with her but prescribed her laxatives and acid-blocking drugs.

Using a very sensitive diagnostic test, we were able to determine she, in fact, did have gluten sensitivity.

After placing her on a gluten-free diet and some nutritional supplements to enhance healing, all her symptoms cleared up within two months, and she was feeling great!

The gluten sensitivity test I’ve found most helpful checks for not just the usual 2-4 components that the major labs offer but 24 antibodies involved with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease.

So while gluten-free may seem like a passing fad, if you truly have gluten sensitivity, it can cause a whole host of problems.

And getting to the root cause of your condition is one of the most important things you can do for your health and wellness. Like I said earlier, not all gluten sensitivity symptoms are in your gut. Gluten has effects on the brain that chemical imbalances also do.

If you need help in finding your health solutions or would like to find out if gluten is affecting you or a family member, email us at or call us at 561-627-5800.  We would be happy to help.

Yours for Optimal Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano

Better Brain Function & Hormones

How do Hormones affect Energy, Brain Function and overall health?

All hormones including estrogen, progesterone and DHEA can affect brain function and overall health.  But here we are going to focus on testosterone in honor of the all the men out there. Actually, low testosterone can occur in women as well.

Symptoms of low testosterone include:

  • fatigue
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • irritability
  • moodiness
  • lack of focus and concentration
  • memory loss
  • low sex drive
  • sexual dysfunction
  • infertility
  • increased body fat (especially belly fat)
  • reduced muscle mass and strength
  • increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • decreased bone density

Another low testosterone condition is gynecomastia, which is development of breast tissue in males, especially in older men and teens.

Speaking of teen boys with low testosterone, they can also develop depression and other emotional problems, low energy and failure to develop muscle mass as a result.

A young man in his early 20’s came in to the Natural Medicine Clinic complaining of   gyneocomastia, low energy, weakness and depression for many years.  As a teen, he was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and ADD, and on put on many different medications.

I ordered lab tests which revealed a very low testosterone level of 220.  This was just under the lab normal range of 280-1100, but  way below the optimal testosterone level of above 550 ng/dl for adult men!

What if this was discovered years ago as a teenager?  Could he have avoided years of misery?

So what are the causes of low testosterone and why is it so prevalent?

  • too much sugar in the diet
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • nutritional deficiencies
  • excess stress, which raises cortisol
  • endocrine disruptors found in plastics, pesticides and other chemicals
  • medications like statin drugs and beta-blockers

Also, having low cholesterol below 150 can result in low testosterone, as cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone and other hormones!

A while ago, I saw a 70-year-old male patient who was suffering from severe depression, exhaustion, low self-esteem, fear, worry, anxiety, insomnia and weight loss.  His doctors ran multiple tests and put him on antidepressants, but he was still feeling terrible. This was in addition to statins and the many other prescriptions he was taking.

I ran additional blood tests which revealed a “normal” testosterone of just above 400 but below the optimal levels of 550. His cholesterol was “normal” at 128 but well below optimal range of 150-200!

After putting him on a personalized nutrition program, he made a dramatic recovery and he was soon back to feeling good again.  His doctor was even able to take him off antidepressants and some of his other medications.

So what are the solutions to low testosterone?  You don’t necessarily need to do injections, patches or slather gel all over you.  Often times, testosterone levels can be raised with natural treatment.

Our natural testosterone support protocol includes:

1. Complete lab testing to measure testosterone and other hormones, and to identify what other factors may be involved, such as adrenal and  thyroid dysfunction, vitamin deficiencies, etc.

2. The FreeDiet™ which includes  plenty of good quality proteins, essential fats, vegetables and some fruit, and avoids soy, sugar and grains.

3.  A customized nutritional program to ensure you’re getting the proper vitamins and minerals.  The most common deficiencies we see with low testosterone are zinc, magnesium and vitamin D.

4.  Herbal remedies for testosterone support.  Adrenal and thyroid support if needed by including DHEA,  adaptogenic herbs and glandulars.

5.  Stress reduction and getting plenty of sleep is very helpful as well.  Remember, high cortisol can lower testosterone.

6.  Exercise, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and weightlifting are both extremely important for optimizing testosterone.  Be aware that over-training, too much or the wrong types of exercise, can have the opposite effect and lower testosterone.

7.  And lastly, avoid xenoestrogens which are chemicals that have estrogen like effects. Some of the ways you can avoid these endocrine disruptors are by:

-storing your food in glass containers instead of plastic, avoid using plastic in the microwave, avoid most non-stick pans.

-use natural cleaning products in your home and natural personal care products such as shampoo, sunscreen, toothpaste, and lotions.

-avoid artificial food additives and eat organic produce, dairy and meats whenever possible.

If  you or a family member has any of the above symptoms and would like to have your hormones checked, email us at  or call us  at 561-627-5800.  We would be happy to help you get treatment for low testosterone levels in Palm Beach FL.

Yours for Optimal Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano



Improve Energy & Brain Function with Iron

Having the proper iron level is so vital to your health and energy!

Neurological symptoms of low iron include:

  • lack of concentration
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • mood swings
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • dizziness
  • foggy thinking
  • headaches
  • slowed growth & development
  • behavioral problems in children

Other symptoms of low iron include:

  • weakness
  • restless legs
  • coldness in hands and feet
  • low sex drive
  • pale skin
  • arrythmias
  • chest pain
  • heart murmur
  • enlarged heart
  • shortness of breath
  • hair loss

Recently, I saw a 10-year-old girl who was diagnosed with ADHD. Her symptoms were irritability, impulsiveness, mood swings, anger, hyperactivity, restlessness, headaches and sometimes fatigue.

She had seen her pediatrician and a psychiatrist.  Apparently, her blood tests were “normal” and she was prescribed ADHD medication as well as counseling.

The first thing I did was order more complete lab testing including Ferritin (stored iron). As it turns out, her level was 19 ng/ml, which was within the lab normal range 10-143 but way below optimal levels of 70-120.  You can have many symptoms as Ferritin levels drop below 50.

After putting her on a personalized nutrition program which included our  iron supplement, just six weeks later her symptoms were gone and she had been able to go off her ADHD medication.

It’s important to note that, taking iron is not the answer for everything, and you can actually have too much iron which can cause a whole host of other problems. So I would not recommend just taking iron without first getting a blood test to see if and how much you need.

You want to have your Ferritin level checked, which measures how much iron is stored in your body. This is the most accurate measure of whether you have optimal iron levels.

Another patient I saw, a woman in her early 40’s, was experiencing hair loss and low energy.  And if you are a female with hair loss, you know that depression and anxiety about this can soon follow.

Her doctor couldn’t find anything wrong and prescribed Rogaine.  She did not want to take this or any other medication so she came in for a more holistic approach.  After thorough lab testing, we found that her Ferritin level was only 10.  Again, within her “normal” lab ranges of 10-232 but way below optimal levels of 50-80.

I put her on a comprehensive, personalized nutrition program which included the FreeDiet™ and our iron supplement and within two months, no more hair loss and she was feeling great!

Be aware, many iron supplements on the market are not well absorbed, can cause stomach irritation & constipation, and contain aluminum dyes.

I have found a highly absorbable, non-constipating iron that is well tolerated by most everyone; and the cost is just pennies a day. Click here to take a look.

So, make sure you have the proper iron levels; a simple solution for more energy and better brain function!

If you have any questions or would like your or a family member’s Ferritin level checked, email us at  or call us  at 561-627-5800. We would be happy to help.

Yours for Vibrant Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano


Natural Treatment for Herniated Discs

Many well designed research studies show no advantages for lumbar surgery versus conservative treatment for low back pain or sciatica.

While a very small percentage of patients, such as those with progressive neurological deficits or loss of bowl or bladder function need surgery, most with herniated discs can improve with a conservative treatment program.

We have seen similar results here at the Natural Medicine Clinic as we have helped thousands of patients with cervical, thoracic and lumbar herniated discs and sciatica recover fully without ever needing surgery.

Our holistic treatment program includes:

1. Using a cold laser to reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance microcirculation to promote healing.

2.  Active Release Techniques, which is a type of manual therapy, to reduce pain producing myofascial trigger points, adhesions and fibrous tissue, and to restore muscular balance.

3.  Chiropractic adjustments to restore normal joint function and movement.  We use manual spinal manipulation or a computerized instrument called the Impulse.

4.  Physical therapy functional training exercises and vibration training to improve strength, flexibility and balance.

5.  Nutritional supplementation, such as Boswellia, Ginger, White Willow Bark, and EPA/DHA, to help support recovery and aid the healing process.

We have found this program to be very effective in the non-surgical treatment and healing of herniated discs, radicular syndromes and sciatica.

Yours for optimal health,
Dr. Tom Rofrano

Natural Treatment for Knee Pain

Did you know that most people with knee pain involving a torn meniscus can recover without surgery?
A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine(March 2013) demonstrated that treatment with physical therapy can be just as effective as surgery.  Researchers divided 351 adults with torn meniscus into 2 groups; surgery right away, or physical therapy only.

They were surprised to find out that after 6 months, the level of functional improvement and pain scores were the same in both groups.  So while some with severe tears need surgery, most can improve with a conservative treatment program.  We have seen similar results here at the Natural Medicine Clinic.

We’ve treated hundreds of patients with knee injuries, many involving a torn meniscus, that recover fully without needing surgery.  Some patients even come in on crutches with their knee swollen and locking.

Our holistic treatment program includes:

1. Using a cold laser to reduce pain and inflammation, and enhance microcirculation to promote healing.

2.  Active Release Techniques to reduce pain producing myofascial trigger points, adhesions and fibrous tissue, and to restore muscular balance.

3.  Chiropractic adjustments to the joints to restore normal joint function and movement.

4.  Physical therapy functional training exercises to improve strength, flexibility and balance.

5.  Nutritional supplementation to help support recovery.

We have found this program to be very effective in the non-surgical treatment and healing of meniscal tears, knee pain and injuries.

Yours for optimal health,
Dr. Tom Rofrano

Drop Cholesterol Levels Naturally

PageLines- NMC-LOGO.pngSuccess Story of The Month

A man in his 60’s presented to the Natural Medicine Clinic with a total cholesterol of 230 and LDL of 153.   He also wanted to lose weight, as he was 180 pounds.

He had a family history of heart disease so his doctor wanted his cholesterol below 200, and said the only possible way to achieve this was by taking statin drugs.  He said he had already been eating a healthy diet, taking vitamins and exercising regularly but without results.

After reviewing his lab work, we put him on a custom tailored diet, nutritional supplements and exercise program.

After we retested him at  four months, his cholesterol dropped from 230 to 176, and LDL dropped from 153 to 97.

He was at his desired weight of 170 having lost 10 pounds, and he said he felt great!

His primary doctor was very upset… I mean happy.

It is incredible how the body can heal itself if you provide the right ingredients for success.

If you or someone you know would like help with this or any other health condition, please email or call us.  We would be happy to help.

Yours for Optimal Health,

Dr Tom Rofrano

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    Jupiter, Tequesta, Singer Island
    and West Palm Beach.

    Content on this website is based upon the opinions of Thomas Rofrano, D.C. and is not considered medical advice. It is designed to be a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Rofrano and his community. Dr. Rofrano encourages you to make your health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Dr. Rofrano is a chiropractic physician and offers physical and nutritional support and guidance to those seeking alternative or complementary care to traditional medicine. His care is not meant to replace that from your primary doctor and specialists but rather to help you on your path to achieving life-long vibrant health.

    Regarding any supplements mentioned: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.