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Discover 5 Simple Solutions for Fatigue [Video]

I’m Dr. Tom Rofrano and today I’m going to talk to you about five simple solutions for more energy. One of the things that most patients come in with is just sheer exhaustion. They’re tired all the time. Even if they could get a good night sleep, they just don’t feel refreshed. And it’s just one of the main things that everyone I see is complaining about. There are some simple things that usually turn up to help turn this around so we can find solutions for fatigue.

Vitamin Deficiencies

The first thing on how to have more energy is to find out what’s going on when we do an initial evaluation and order some lab tests. Almost always nutritional deficiencies come up. And the most common ones I see are vitamin B12. If that’s low, it can cause fatigue, brain fog and lack of focus, being tired all the time and numbness and tingling. There is a whole lot of things that go along with that.

Vitamin D is another one that comes up as being low. Magnesium is a very common deficiency that we see over and over again. Iron is common, especially in women and children. When that is low, it can cause you to feel tired all the time and get restless legs at night. Most of the time when you go to the doctor, they just don’t check for these things. And even if they did, they’re not looking at the ranges properly. So for instance, if they get them to check your iron level, the range might be 10 to 300. As long as you’re on 11, they’ll say oh that’s fine, that’s not an issue.

But actually, if you’re below 50 was an optimal range, say 50 to 100, 60 to 100 in that area that if you’re a 30, 20, 10 or you know 11 which is in their normal ranges you can still feel miserable. Those are the things we look at. And if you’re below optimal in more than one of these, often, when I look at lab work for new patients that we run, they’re below optimal and Vt4 for different things. It has an additive effect so even if you’re just a little low in say V-12, maybe it won’t be a big deal. But if you’re below often V-12, iron, magnesium and vitamin D which is most often the case you can just feel horrible. Once we get this information and we then start supplementing, often people turn around very quickly, even if you got fatigued for many years.


Another area is thyroid. That’s huge as far as fatigue goes as well as brain fog and cold hands and feet and just overall feeling miserable aches and pains. The thyroid is one of the most common things I see when people come in they say, “Oh, I had my thyroid checked, and everything was okay.” Well, this is another thing, doctors, your medical doctor, your primary doctor typically will check your thyroid with maybe TSH and t4, and that’s it. And they’ll say, “Oh, you’re fine.”

When I run lab test, I’ll check not only TSH and Vt-4 but also Vt3 which is another thyroid hormone that’s so important. There are also two thyroid antibodies that we check and a reverse t3, so those six different things are so important. So TSH might be normal where your doctor says you’re fine, but then we’ll have thyroid antibodies which are elevated, meaning you have a thyroid autoimmune conditions or say your t3 is low but your TSH is fine and t4 might be fine.

All these different subtle things can make you feel awful, just exhausted. Again brain fog, lack of focus, insomnia, all these things come along with it. Depression is also a very significant symptom of a thyroid, look thyroid function. And adrenal glands are glands that handle stress.


Normally your cortisol goes up when you’re under stress, you know to handle the situation. But in this day and age cortisol is elevated and a lot of us just from the day-to-day stresses that go on. It is important to have your adrenals evaluated when you are fatigued. There are some simple tests we do in the office, and there’s also some blood tests and a home kit that we use as well. This is something that doctors don’t always check for, but there are three simple tests you can do.

One is your Vivino, another is DHEA, and then another is Cortisol. Often we’ll see cortisol being elevated and DHEA being low and that’s one category of adrenal fatigue. In the case like that, you can feel anxiety, lack of focus, brain fog, depression. And insomnia is a huge symptom of adrenal fatigue. Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed there’s another common symptom. So these are all from adrenal fatigue. Once we find out the exact pattern, it’s a very simple fix. You use some supplements for that and a diet as well and whole lifestyle changes. And we would be happy to sign you up for a free PDF report of summarizing what I’m talking about.

Myofascial Pain and Fatigue

And the fourth thing is myofascial pain as it relates to fatigue. Often we get these aches and pain, these knots, that we call trigger points. Those are tight bands within muscles in our body. They can cause all sorts of problems. For example, if you have trigger points, which are very common in your shoulders, neck, jaw, in your jaw area, that can cause headaches, neck pain, jaw, and TMJ pain and it can keep you actually from getting a good night’s sleep.

I had a case not too long ago, a patient who had just some frequent headaches. We put her on a nutritional program, and she was doing better all these different areas, she had more energy, and her digestive and skin issues were clearing up. But she still was having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. She was just exhausted from lack of sleep. We started doing some treatment. She had a lot of myofascial pain trigger points and, we started working with that. Within a few treatments, a lot of this started to release and she was able to sleep through the night for the first time in years. And once you’re able to get a good night sleep, that ties in with rejuvenating and strengthening your adrenal glands and just really being able to function at a much higher level throughout the day.

What’s important is just making sure that you address any issues of facial mouth pain and we do that. We do evaluations to figure out exactly what’s going on in that area and then recommend specific treatments or exercises to help clear that up. Even if it’s been going on for years, often it can be cleared up in just a matter of a few short weeks.

Food Sensitivities and Allergies

And lastly here and this is a big one, is our food sensitivities and allergies. So how can those make you feel exhausted? Well, there are some common foods that people have sensitivities to, and there are two things. One, there are allergies where if you eat food, you get an immediate reaction, those are quite obvious. But what’s not so obvious are the food sensitivities, and that’s where food, by eating it you have a delayed reaction.

It might be an hour, an hour or two or a few hours; it might not even be until the next day. We just kind of feel off. It could just zap your energy. It can also cause skin reactions, digestive issues, sinus issues, such as a runny nose or sinus congestion. Those are all be related to food sensitivities. And the way we figure that out is one of the two ways. One is we do feed sensitivity or allergy testing through blood, where we can test a 100 or 200 different foods to figure that out.

Another way is come up with a diet; I call it the free diet because it’s free of all the common allergens. After doing lab testing hundreds or thousands of people over the last thirty years, some common patterns come up with foods that people are sensitive to. The free diet is a diet that’s for you. Common allergens are grains and yeast, and sugar, dairy, eggs, legumes, and GMOs are other things that can be very problematic. You can follow the free diet for Phase One. Then in Phase Two start adding foods back and one at a time to see if you have any reactions. That’s another way, besides testing, that we find out what were people reacting to.

I’ll finish up with a story just from a few days ago. A patient came in who had migraines for many years and not only migraines, but she also had chronic digestive problems, back pain, neck pain, whole body pain, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression and more. By the way, now she’s doing great. She first came late last year. Now we are treating her for just a period, she got better, migraines cleared up, all her pain cleared up, her digestive issues, and this is through our seven-step functional and free program that we put patients through which involves diet and supplement and treatment and exercise.

Now she just comes in every once in awhile, if something’s going on.I hadn’t seen her in a little while, and she came, again she was doing great, no pain, no symptoms, and was off all her medications. Then Monday she came with just a severe migraine, she didn’t sleep all weekend, she was just completely exhausted, in pain and just miserable. She had to call in sick from work on Saturday and Sunday. So she was out on Friday, and it was getting late. So doesn’t feel like going home and cooking something, so she stopped at Bud’s chicken, of all places, because she’s been eating so clean on the free diet for probably almost a year now and doing well. She has the fried chicken and french fries and soda.

All that night she wakes up 2:00-3:00 in the morning with this raging migraines. It lasted all through the weekend. She was in bed all day Saturday, all day Sunday, she finally was able to make it in here Monday, and I was able to treat her and give her some advice on how to get this cleared up. She called us the next day said, she’s all better, back at work and doing great. So going back to the food sensitivity issue, in her case she had a real sensitivity to one of these foods. Something like that could cause fatigue and all these other issues.

Like a lot of people, during her whole life, she was eating food junk food, and that’s why she was miserable throughout her whole life. By eliminating those foods, I can make a huge difference in your energy levels and overall health and help you find solutions for fatigue.

So I hope you enjoyed this and if you have any questions, feel free to leave comments. If you want me to cover something, feel free to leave a comment.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Have More Energy, Better Health & Brain Function with Vitamin D

Natural Medicine Formulas Vitamin D Supplement

Have More Energy, Better Health & Brain Function with Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with many brain disorders including:

  • depression
  • dementia
  • MS
  • Parkinson’s
  • schizophrenia
  • epilepsy
  • generalized cognitive impairment

Other conditions linked with low vitamin D levels include:

  • Fatigue
  • Diabetes and Obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Back Pain and Neuropathy
  • Cancer and Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Dental Cavities and Rickets
  • Asthma and Influenza
  • Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain

In fact, recently a group of researchers from Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford and seven other institutions published a study in the BMJ that concluded that low vitamin D levels were responsible for almost 13% of U.S. deaths.

That falls between the 20% of U.S. deaths associated with smoking and 9% for alcohol consumption.

They also determined that vitamin D3 supplementation reduced the risk of premature death by 11%.

They estimated that almost 70% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D, which they defined as having vitamin D levels of less than 30 ng/ml.

I have found similar results here at the Natural Medicine Clinic, as most of our patients whose blood levels I check for the first time are low in vitamin D.

Although the lab normal ranges are typically 30 to 100 ng/ml, the optimal range of Vitamin D 25-OH is considered to be 50-80 ng/ml by the Vitamin D Council and other authorities.

The primary source of vitamin D is from the sun, as it is not readily available in our diet in sufficient amounts.

So why even here in sunny Florida are so many people low in vitamin D?

First, sunscreen can prevent the absorption of vitamin D.

Second, most of us don’t have the time to get a daily 10-15 minute dose of mid-day sun on most of the body.

Third, the darker someone’s complexion is, the less vitamin D they produce from the sun.

Years ago, a patient flew over from the Bahamas to see me. He had many different symptoms including depression, fatigue and chronic pain and had seen many doctors without any answers.

After running some tests, I found out he was extremely low in vitamin D, even though he was a landscaper and was out in the sun (with no sunscreen) for over 40 hours per week!  Apparently his very dark Bahamian skin prevented any absorption of vitamin D.

So how much vitamin D do you need?  Well, that depends on your blood levels.

I have found that most teenagers and adults need to take  5000 IU Vitamin D3 per day and most infants and children need 1000-2000 IU per day, depending on their age and weight.

It is important to take K2 and Magnesium with this for optimal absorption. I recommend D3 5000 w K2 and Magnesium Malate. 

I do recommend that you get lab testing before you just start taking vitamin D supplements because it is a fat-soluble vitamin, and you can get too much of it.

Just remember, making sure you get enough of this vital nutrient is one of the most important things you can do for your health and wellness.

If you need any help in this area feel free to contact us.  If you have any questions or would like yourself or a family member to have their Vitamin D levels checked, email us at  or call us  at 561-627-5800.  We would be happy to help.

Yours for Vibrant Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano

P.S. We have three vitamin D supplements to choose from. One is a convenient liquid Vitamin D for the kids.  Click here to take a look!


Improve Energy & Brain Function with Iron

Having the proper iron level is so vital to your health and energy!

Neurological symptoms of low iron include:

  • lack of concentration
  • fatigue
  • irritability
  • mood swings
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • dizziness
  • foggy thinking
  • headaches
  • slowed growth & development
  • behavioral problems in children

Other symptoms of low iron include:

  • weakness
  • restless legs
  • coldness in hands and feet
  • low sex drive
  • pale skin
  • arrythmias
  • chest pain
  • heart murmur
  • enlarged heart
  • shortness of breath
  • hair loss

Recently, I saw a 10-year-old girl who was diagnosed with ADHD. Her symptoms were irritability, impulsiveness, mood swings, anger, hyperactivity, restlessness, headaches and sometimes fatigue.

She had seen her pediatrician and a psychiatrist.  Apparently, her blood tests were “normal” and she was prescribed ADHD medication as well as counseling.

The first thing I did was order more complete lab testing including Ferritin (stored iron). As it turns out, her level was 19 ng/ml, which was within the lab normal range 10-143 but way below optimal levels of 70-120.  You can have many symptoms as Ferritin levels drop below 50.

After putting her on a personalized nutrition program which included our  iron supplement, just six weeks later her symptoms were gone and she had been able to go off her ADHD medication.

It’s important to note that, taking iron is not the answer for everything, and you can actually have too much iron which can cause a whole host of other problems. So I would not recommend just taking iron without first getting a blood test to see if and how much you need.

You want to have your Ferritin level checked, which measures how much iron is stored in your body. This is the most accurate measure of whether you have optimal iron levels.

Another patient I saw, a woman in her early 40’s, was experiencing hair loss and low energy.  And if you are a female with hair loss, you know that depression and anxiety about this can soon follow.

Her doctor couldn’t find anything wrong and prescribed Rogaine.  She did not want to take this or any other medication so she came in for a more holistic approach.  After thorough lab testing, we found that her Ferritin level was only 10.  Again, within her “normal” lab ranges of 10-232 but way below optimal levels of 50-80.

I put her on a comprehensive, personalized nutrition program which included the FreeDiet™ and our iron supplement and within two months, no more hair loss and she was feeling great!

Be aware, many iron supplements on the market are not well absorbed, can cause stomach irritation & constipation, and contain aluminum dyes.

I have found a highly absorbable, non-constipating iron that is well tolerated by most everyone; and the cost is just pennies a day. Click here to take a look.

So, make sure you have the proper iron levels; a simple solution for more energy and better brain function!

If you have any questions or would like your or a family member’s Ferritin level checked, email us at  or call us  at 561-627-5800. We would be happy to help.

Yours for Vibrant Health,

Dr. Tom Rofrano


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    Content on this website is based upon the opinions of Thomas Rofrano, D.C. and is not considered medical advice. It is designed to be a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Rofrano and his community. Dr. Rofrano encourages you to make your health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Dr. Rofrano is a chiropractic physician and offers physical and nutritional support and guidance to those seeking alternative or complementary care to traditional medicine. His care is not meant to replace that from your primary doctor and specialists but rather to help you on your path to achieving life-long vibrant health.

    Regarding any supplements mentioned: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.