Can you believe this is typical of the type of patient we see in our clinic? A 38-year-old woman came in complaining of fatigue, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, belching, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, eczema on most of body, irritability, mood swings, PMS, headaches, dizziness, itchy eyes, dry skin and hair, easy bruising, chest pain, hyperactivity, sinus congestion, rashes, itching, food allergies, hair loss, frequent urination, recurring yeast infections, sugar, bread and alcohol cravings, insomnia and brain fog.
After seeing many doctors over 10-15 years, she had urged her allergist to test her for Celiac disease and sure enough, it was positive. She temporarily felt a little better on a gluten-free diet, but she still had all those symptoms.
What is going on here? I thought gluten-free was supposed to cure everything!
Well it turns out that you can have sensitivities or allergies to many different foods and one of the most common is yeast.
Most every new patient that comes in with a multitude of chronic symptoms not only tests positive for a gluten or wheat sensitivity but also has a food sensitivity to Brewer’s and/or Baker’s yeast.
Related to this is a condition called yeast overgrowth or Candida in the body. It is normal to have a certain level of yeast in our bodies and Candida Albicans is the most common type of yeast or fungus.
But when it gets out of balance and yeast overgrowth occurs, that’s when it can cause problems.
Yeast overgrowth is usually caused by medications such as antibiotics, prednisone, birth-control pills or antacids.
Just some of the symptoms of yeast overgrowth or sensitivity include:
- abdominal pain, gas and bloating
- diarrhea or constipation
- IBS, Crohn’s and Colitis
- fatigue
- headaches
- dizziness
- sinus congestion
- chronic cough
- acne
- numbness and tingling
- brain fog- poor memory and concentration
- fungal infection on nails
- white film or spots on throat or tongue
- irritability
- mood swings
- anxiety and/or depression
- muscle or joint aches
- eczema, psoriasis and skin rashes
- itchy eyes, ears or skin
- difficulty losing weight
- food sensitivities
- sensitivities to perfumes, fragrances and chemicals
- allergies
- autoimmune conditions
- sugar, alcohol or bread cravings
- vaginal yeast infections
- frequent urinary tract infections
How do you determine if you have yeast overgrowth or sensitivity?
The first and most important thing we do is a thorough history and evaluation. There are also different lab tests that can be performed to identify if yeast is part of the problem.
And usually this is just one important piece of the puzzle. There are other factors involved also.
So what’s the solution? Although it is much more detailed than this, here is a summary:
1. Diet:
a. Avoid sugar, grains and starches. That includes bread, pasta, crackers, cookies, cake; and yes, even gluten-free ones.
b. Avoid yeast containing foods such as beer and wine, vinegar, soy sauce, aged cheeses.
c. Eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables
d. Eat a moderate amount of proteins such as wild fish, beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb.
d. Consume an abundance of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, avocado and clarified butter.
2. Nutritional supplements with herbs that have antifungal properties can be very effective. One of the products I have found most effective is called Yeast Defeat. Sometimes antifungal medications are needed.
3. Take Probiotics for digestive and immune support. I’ve used many different brands over the years with thousands of patients. I finally found one that has provided the best results, which is called ProbioSupreme.
By the way, about the patient above who was feeling terrible? After placing her on what I call The FreeDiet™ and some nutritional supplements to enhance healing, she did get better.
Yes, all of her symptoms cleared up and she was feeling good for the first time in many years! If you want to see her video, click here.
So remember, gluten-free can be part of the solution, but it is not the answer to everything. There can be many other factors involved, and yeast overgrowth/sensitivity is just one of them
If you want to Transform Your Health and Feel Good Again, feel free to contact us at or call 561-627-5800. We would love to help.
Yours for Optimal Health,
Dr. Tom Rofrano
PS. Look for more on The FreeDiet™ in future blogposts.