I’ve seen over a hundred thousand patient visits after 34 years of practicing at the Natural Medicine Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. More and more, I am noticing patients coming in with thyroid and gut issues, particularly thyroid nodules. With this increase, I’ve set out to discover what causes these and how to shrink thyroid nodules naturally. Many symptoms can be associated with thyroid nodules, such as anxiety, depression, insomnia, and brain fog. You can read more about these symptoms here. Treating thyroid issues is important, but finding the root cause of thyroid nodules is just as important.
Finding the Root Causes
I recently helped a patient shrink her thyroid nodule by 73% in the first three months of treatment. At only 36 years old, she had multiple nodules, one was over four centimeters or two inches, the size of a plum. Naturally, she was very bothered by it. Not only was it uncomfortable, but it also made it difficult to swallow.
Doctors did ultrasounds and biopsies, finding them to be benign thyroid disease, but said that the only solution was surgery, which she did not want. After finding my practice, she flew down for evaluation and testing. She wanted a natural treatment for these thyroid problems.
What Causes Thyroid Nodules?
What we found after testing were the root causes of her thyroid nodules:
In her case, she had an iodine deficiency, which is one of the more common causes of this condition. And, while you may hear or read the information that says iodine is bad for the thyroid, it can be quite helpful with things like nodules, thyroid disease, and goiter if someone is deficient. It also aids in the production of thyroid hormone T3 and hormone T4.
This patient also tested low in other nutrients like vitamins B12, B6, and several minerals. A Vitamin D deficiency can also be a common cause of nodules.
We also tested for toxins, specifically heavy metals, mercury, arsenic, and lead. Commonly, I see mercury, arsenic, and fluoride, and in her case, she had high levels of fluoride.
Fluoride can interfere with iodine absorption and worsen thyroid disease, conditions, and nodules. Because of this, I often recommend that my patients use a more natural, fluoride-free toothpaste, mouthwash, and dental floss.
On top of that, we looked at hormones, as estrogen dominance is common with this condition. This patient had high levels of estrogen versus progesterone and high levels of testosterone. This can be associated with PCOS, an autoimmune disorder, which is another condition, but one that is commonly related to thyroid issues. It’s necessary to balance these by addressing diet and supplementation.
Next, we examined pathogens or infections by running blood and stool tests. The health of your autoimmune system is important for understanding the thyroid hormone levels and how the thyroid function is at the time of lab tests. Oftentimes, we’ll see bacterial overgrowth, viruses, parasites, and yeast, which are very common and cause inflammation in the body. Which in turn can cause an autoimmune response.
Nodules and goiter are caused by inflammation affecting the thyroid. And anytime you have inflammation, an autoimmune response is likely. Therefore, even if you remove this gland, you’re never really addressing the underlying issue.
Infections that are found must be solved individually. For this specific patient, she had a bacterial imbalance, or dysbiosis, in her gut, so we had to work to create a proper balance.
Food Reactions
After infections, we looked at food reactions. A big one for goiter and thyroid nodules is gluten sensitivity, which was also the case here. She was sensitive to gluten and other foods, and, like many others, she had a leaky gut. Therefore, we worked to remove the offending foods from her diet and increase the foods, such as turmeric, that can help shrink thyroid nodules.
Changing the Diet
The diet I use and recommend to my patients is The FreeDiet®. It is free of gluten, grain, sugar, yeast, dairy, eggs, soy, legumes, nightshades, and processed foods. I call it the FreeDiet® because the diet is free of the foods commonly responsible for inflammation. Which should help prevent thyroid nodules and disease.
My new book, The FreeDiet®, addresses this and explains the plan in a lot more detail. There is even a chapter about thyroid nodules.
The Results
As mentioned, after three months of addressing these issues, my patient was able to shrink her 4.3 cm thyroid nodule by 73%. Her fatigue, brain fog, headaches, and digestive issues were also resolved, which shows how her thyroid nodules were responsible for many of her symptoms.
After years of failed attempts to lose weight, she lost 23 pounds, and her hormones, including adrenal and thyroid hormones, were balanced. Furthermore, her inflammatory markers, which should be less than 1.0, went from 57 to less than 1.0 in four weeks. This was all able to happen thanks to the alternative medicine approach we used for the thyroid nodules and not the surgery previously recommended.
Finding the Root Cause
So, when dealing with thyroid nodules is important to address all five of these different areas to find out the root causes. The FreeDiet® is a great place to start as it works to remove the most common foods responsible for inflammation and, therefore, gut and thyroid issues.
As far as supplements, I recommend what I call the Functional Five™. These include a multivitamin, fish oil, Vitamin D, magnesium, and probiotics. Beyond that, I recommend iodine, selenium, B12, zinc, and iron depending on testing and deficiencies. Iodine plays a vital role in thyroid function and works with the gland to help make the thyroid hormone T3 and T4. Which all help aid in the prevention of thyroid disorders.
Seeking More Information?
For more information on natural remedies for thyroid nodules and goiter, feel free to check out my book, The FreeDiet®, here.
Another option is downloading and following The FreeDiet® Phase 1 food chart and starting the foundational supplements. If you have specific questions regarding the natural treatment for thyroid nodule problems, please reach out. I look forward to working with you!